Thrivabetic: Thriving with Diabetes
Why does your blood sugar have to spike to 300 after sitting at 50 for what felt like an eternity? And why are people still asking if you ate too much sugar when you were diagnosed? Is it really possible to thrive with such a physically and mentally draining disease? Kate, a 27 year old with Type 1 Diabetes since 10 years old, discusses her highs and lows living with a chronic illness. Along with this, she sits down with a variety of guests that give insight on topics such as mental health, traveling, exercise, diet, and life's big moments with diabetes.
Thrivabetic: Thriving with Diabetes
#42 Summer camping festival recap
Kate recaps her time at Electric Forest, a 4 day music festival in Michigan. She goes over her packing list and how she managed her blood sugar with all the walking and heat.
Top take aways from the trip:
-Bring lots of candy for frequent lows while walking. Make sure the candy won't melt in your bag. A plastic wrapping around it will be much better, my starburst and mambas melted.
-Make sure to have a portable charger for your pump.
-Be careful with sunscreen and your dexcom. It can crack if sunscreen gets on it.
-Get a small cooler for your insulin and bring ice packs.
-Activity mode on my pump was helpful in preventing some lows for me
-Get practical over patches for your sites like Skingrip. Helps a ton with the heat, sweating, etc.
This episode is for entertainment purposes only and is not medical advice. I am just speaking from my personal experiences which may be completely different from your own. Consult your doctor before making any changes.
Find me on Instagram and Tiktok @thrivabetic. Find the blog here and The Thrivabetic book here.
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